Big Picture
Carbon Reduction
To impact climate change and human livability, the carbon dioxide concentration in the troposphere needs to be reduced substantially at an affordable cost to society. The mass balance of atmospheric CO2 consists of sources and sinks. Today, we stand at 42 G tons/year of carbon-equivalent emissions. Because of long half-life of CO2 in the atmosphere,[1] its concentration accumulates. The sinks are nature-based (trees and oceans) and engineered carbon dioxide removal (CDR). We choose emissions reduction via carbon capture due to its much larger impact. For example, the ratio of carbon emissions to engineered carbon removal is O(103). This makes carbon capture central to Net-Zero Transition (NZT).
Social Risk Mitigation
The case for Net Zero 2050 has been argued eloquently in the Paris Agreement[1] and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.[2] The societal and human costs due to large fluctuations in weather are existential. Humanitarian impacts are higher costs of food production systems, migration of population in low-lying regions due to higher sea level rise, and deterioration of human health.
The impacts on global ecology are less freshwater availability, wetland reduction, ocean ecosystem (ocean acidification, storm intensification and deoxygenation) and the shrinkage of the coral reefs.
If our initiative is successful, we expect to mitigate the societal risks stated above. In the hard-to-abate industries, our target for carbon capture is 25G tons/year. For the US power sector, it generates 1.36G tons/year. Our near-term goal is a sub-gigaton scale of capture.
[1] “Paris Agreement”, United Nations 2015.
[2] “Impacts of 1.5°C of Global Warming on Natural and Human Systems”, Chapter 3, IPCC 2021.
Pain Point
The pain point in emissions mitigation and/or removal is the cost of implementation. It is a negative EBITDA project absent policy invention. In our customer discovery across a wide cross-section of businesses, adding costs to their businesses is a nonstarter.
Job to be Done
The job to be done is to satisfy the E in ESG (Environmental Social Governance). This means compliance and reporting, improving return on assets, and balancing brand equity and cost of implementation. Ideally, it should be retrofittable operationally and cost neutral or better.
Gain - Trash to Cash
The most compelling proposition of our carbon capture model is that we turn a typical cost center into a profit center. The customers can satisfy their ESG metrics, enhance brand equity and generate incremental revenue stream simultaneously.
At a tactical level, we are solving the carbon capture problem in the hard-to-abate sectors. Our innovation lies in advanced sorbent development. For any carbon capture process, the first step is CO2 collection. It is done through adsorption by sorbent. We’ll use nanomaterials that we had commercialized. It has high adsorptive capacity, high reuse and low energy of regeneration. The immediate project execution is to generate tax credit via sequestration. The 2nd phase is to generate electricity from idle assets. The 3rd phase is to convert the captured carbons into feedstocks.
If you want to learn more, please contact us.